Combined (Full Content) View

For some users the most efficient mode of operation is the "River of News" view where titles and content are combined. The user needs only to scroll down the page to read the articles. This works great with larger screen sizes and requires less clicking than does title view.

Here's what you see after the page loads. The image below is what you would see on a device with a resolution matching the iPhone in portrait mode. Click on the image to see a larger version which shows more than one article in the feed.

Combined View Screenshot

Clicking on the title takes you to the source article and tells FeedScore that the content in this article is interesting.

The next stop in the feature tour describes the items on the Title Bar.


j/k selects the next/previous item in the list
n/p in title view, selects the next item without opening it
space/shift+space moves to the next/previous page
shift+m open/close the main menu
shift+o open/close the options menu
enter select the highlight entry from a menu


enter,o in title view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift+a marks all items in the current page as read
d go to the item's list of similar stories
i/u designate the item as interesting/not interesting
m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

Go To a New Page

g then h go to the homepage
g then i go to the Interesting items view
g then a go to the All items view
g then s go to the Saved items view
g then p go to the Popular items view
g then f go to the Select a Feed page


- decrease the font size
= increase the font size
esc close any menu if open, otherwise deselect all items
? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts