Gestures, Flexible Font Sizes, and Animations

Today's update features some exciting new capabilities. For the first time FeedsAnywhere supports some touch screen gestures that will, hopefully, improve your mobile reading experience. If, for some reason, the presence of gestures is causing you problems there is a disable switch in the settings. I also added disable for favicons.

Supported Gestures

- Swipe left to expand or collapse the item while in Title View. This is especially useful when reading a long item that you want to get past because you won't have to scroll to the bottom before closing it.

- Long (edge-to-edge) swipe left will open the original URL.

- Swipe right will either mark the item read or unread.

- Pinch open will increase the font size.

- Pinch close will decrease the font size.

One note about the pinch gesture is that I've only found it to work on the iPhone so far, although presumably it would work on the iPad as well. I'm not sure if it is a limitation of some of the Android phones, or if there is a limitation to the library I'm currently using.

Don't worry if pinch doesn't work though, because a couple icons have been added to the bottom of the settings menu (wrench icon) that will also do it. This is the method if you want to change font size using a mouse. One difference between changing fonts and other settings is that it is specific to the browser and not a setting being saved on the server.

The final item you will notice are some smoother animations when expanding and collapsing items.


j/k selects the next/previous item in the list
n/p in title view, selects the next item without opening it
space/shift+space moves to the next/previous page
shift+m open/close the main menu
shift+o open/close the options menu
enter select the highlight entry from a menu


enter,o in title view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift+a marks all items in the current page as read
d go to the item's list of similar stories
i/u designate the item as interesting/not interesting
m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

Go To a New Page

g then h go to the homepage
g then i go to the Interesting items view
g then a go to the All items view
g then s go to the Saved items view
g then p go to the Popular items view
g then f go to the Select a Feed page


- decrease the font size
= increase the font size
esc close any menu if open, otherwise deselect all items
? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts