In a long overdue move, FeedsAnywhere has switch to https to take advantage of SSL encryption. Thanks to the service at for enabling free certificates.

There are a few details I want to make you aware of though. Because FeedsAnywhere pulls from RSS feeds there are links to external sites and most images are delivered that way. In many cases those images are delivered over http instead of https and are not encrypted. The result is that your browser will only show the lock icon next to the URL on a page that doesn't also have external content over http.

Over time I'd expect more of the external content to get encrypted too, but until that time your traffic to and from the FeedsAnywhere server will be encrypted despite not getting the browser assurance overall.


j/k selects the next/previous item in the list
n/p in title view, selects the next item without opening it
space/shift+space moves to the next/previous page
shift+m open/close the main menu
shift+o open/close the options menu
enter select the highlight entry from a menu


enter,o in title view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift+a marks all items in the current page as read
d go to the item's list of similar stories
i/u designate the item as interesting/not interesting
m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

Go To a New Page

g then h go to the homepage
g then i go to the Interesting items view
g then a go to the All items view
g then s go to the Saved items view
g then p go to the Popular items view
g then f go to the Select a Feed page


- decrease the font size
= increase the font size
esc close any menu if open, otherwise deselect all items
? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts