With this week's surprise announcement about Google Reader closing down at the beginning of July, it marks a good time to point out the easy way to switch from Reader to FeedsAnywhere.
1. Create a FeedsAnywhere account
2. Go to the Settings page
3. Check Google Reader Syncronization
4. Submit
You'll be asked to authorize access and FeedsAnywhere will start syncing your feeds. The process is simply and since it uses OAuth you won't even need to provide a username and password.
And since the syncing is two way, any changes you make will be reflected back to Google Reader (at least until they shut down) so if you want to give another site a try you haven't lost anything.
Feel free to drop us a line in the forums if you have any comments about FeedsAnywhere. We're always trying to improve.
no proper import from google take out
I'd love to make FeedsAnywhere my default RSS reader but I'm about givng up trying as it even hasn't properly imported (categorized ) feeds from GoogleReader takeout.
Any way to sort it out?
In fact it has only imported those entries which were not placed in any category.