Improved Interface Scalability

From the beginning one of the primary goals of FeedsAnywhere has been to have a single interface that can scale for any size screen, but we recently hit a snag with one feature. As we were optimizing for a couple popular phones (Apple iPhone and BlackBerry Storm) we introduced some code that scales all images so they fit the width of the screen and don't introduce a horizontal scrollbar. The great news was that it worked on the phones in question, but didn't work with a desktop browser like Firefox or Opera.

It tooks some fiddling around with the site structure and CSS, but I finally got it working! Now those of you interested in running FeedsAnywhere in a sidebar, desktop widget, or just a small size window can have the same experience that you get on your phone.


j/k selects the next/previous item in the list
n/p in title view, selects the next item without opening it
space/shift+space moves to the next/previous page
shift+m open/close the main menu
shift+o open/close the options menu
enter select the highlight entry from a menu


enter,o in title view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift+a marks all items in the current page as read
d go to the item's list of similar stories
i/u designate the item as interesting/not interesting
m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

Go To a New Page

g then h go to the homepage
g then i go to the Interesting items view
g then a go to the All items view
g then s go to the Saved items view
g then p go to the Popular items view
g then f go to the Select a Feed page


- decrease the font size
= increase the font size
esc close any menu if open, otherwise deselect all items
? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts