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456 Berea Street - Roger Johansson is a web professional specialising in web standards, accessibility, and usability.
ACM Queue Feature Articles - In-Depth Analysis of Future Trends in Computing
Aeon Magazine - the digital magazine of ideas and culture
AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (AJE) - Al Jazeera Network
Android Authority - Android News, Reviews, How To
Android Community - Tracking the Android Platform Revolution
Apprentice Alf's Blog - Everything you ever wanted to know about DRM and ebooks, but were afraid to ask. - Blog on ARM Powered® devices
Ars Technica - The Art of Technology
Astronomy Picture of the Day RSS Feed - The Astronomy Picture of the Day is a wonderful web site that puts up a different astronomy-related picture every day. However, the site does not have an RSS feed. This page fixes that deficiency.
BBC News - Science & Environment - The latest stories from the Science & Environment section of the BBC News web site.
BBC News | Science & Environment | World Edition - Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
Beth's Blog - How Networked Nonprofits Are Using Social Media to Power Change
BILDblog - Ein Watchblog für deutsche Medien
BloggingPro - News, plugins and themes for blogging applications
Bored Panda - the only magazine for Pandas
Both Sides of the Table - Entrepreneur turned VC
Breaking News: CBS News - Top Breaking News Stories from
Brian Solis - Defining the convergence of media and influence
BuzzFeed - Viral Feed - BuzzFeed, Find Your New Favorite Thing
calibre Changelog - Changes in the last ten calibre releases
Clients From Hell - A collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers.
Cliffski's Blog - Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business...
Colossal - A blog about art and visual ingenuity.


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