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nixCraft - This is a Linux sys admin journal by Vivek about sys admin work, Linux tips & tricks, hacks, news and more.
Not Exactly Rocket Science - Dive into the awe-inspiring, beautiful and quirky world of science news with award-winning writer Ed Yong. No previous experience required. - The Webs Best Source For Laptop Notebook Info - is a site dedicated to bringing the latest news, reviews and pricing for notebook laptop computers
Noupe - Web Designer's Online Resource
Oh Joy Sex Toy - A Sex Toy Comic Review Site
OhGizmo! - Deliciously Geeky...
Online Marketing Blog - Grow your business with TopRank Online Marketing tips, articles, & experts interviews on social media, digital PR & search engine marketing.
OnStartups - RSS feed for OnStartups
Order of the Stick - Order of the Stick
PetaPixel - Photography and Camera News, Reviews, and Inspiration
Pharyngula - Evolution, development, and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal
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Pocketables - Plugged into the portable circuit
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Reimagining Church - The Blog of Frank Viola
Reuters: Technology News - is your source for breaking news, business, financial and investing news, including personal finance and stocks. Reuters is the leading global provider of news, financial information and technology solutions to the world's media, financial institutions, businesses and individuals.
Reuters: World News - is your source for breaking news, business, financial and investing news, including personal finance and stocks. Reuters is the leading global provider of news, financial information and technology solutions to the world's media, financial institutions, businesses and individuals.


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