Digitoday - Digitoday - uusimmat uutisotsikot ICT-alalta
Discover Blogs - Pipes Output
Disruptive Conversations - Dan York on the intersection of PR/communication and the "social media" of blogs, podcasts, wikis, Twitter and more - and the way our conversations are changing...
DJ TechTools - A Complete Resource for Digital Dj Information and Technology
dobreprogramy - Aktualności - Największy polski serwis o nowych technologiach - aktualności, oprogramowanie, publikacje, demonstracje, wideo, testy sprzętu i nie tylko...
Doc Searls Weblog - Same old blog, brand new place
Dork Tower - The Place for All Things Dork
Dorothy Surrenders - A gay gal's guide to pop culture. Why let the boys have all the fun?
Doug Hellmann - Code Interstices
All the little things that happen between bouts of coding. Covering internet technologies, Python, Mac OS X, and open source.
Dr Shock MD PhD - A Neurostimulating Blog
Droid Life - An intense Android news community bringing you the latest in phones, rooting, apps, and reviews.
DroidDog Android Blog - Android videos, reviews, RSS, and forums
Dubberly Design Office - Interaction, Software, and Service Design
Эротика по-русски - Эротика по-русски
E-Commerce Times - E-Commerce Times: the E-Business and Technology Super Site
首页 VeryCD电驴大全 - 电驴资源订阅 - 首页 VeryCD电驴大全 - 电驴资源订阅
EarlyWord: The Publisher | Librarian Connection - The Publisher | Librarian Connection
ebookporn - "Lovers of print are simply confusing the plate for the food."
― Douglas Adams
EE Times - Connecting The Global Electronics Industry
Effortless Gent - Better equipping the everyday man.
Eleganthack - Eleganthack is a guide to Information Architecture, Interface Design, Usability, User Centered Design and so on and so on and ...
Endless Innovation - "There is a grandeur in this view of life... from so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved. - Charles Darwin