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Girls With Slingshots - Just another WordPress site
Gizmodo - We come from the future.
Gnome Stew - The Game Mastering Blog
good coders code, great reuse - Peteris Krumins' blog about programming, hacking, software reuse, software ideas, computer security, google and technology.
Goodreads - Goodreads
Goodreads - Goodreads
Google Analytics Blog - The latest news, tips and resources straight from the Google Analytics team.
Google Drive Blog - News and notes from the Google Drive team
Google Online Security Blog - The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet.
Google Research Blog - The latest news on Google Research.
Google Testing Blog - If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.
Grant Barrett - Radio host, public speaker, lexicographer, journalist
Greg Mankiw's Blog - Random Observations for Students of Economics
GruntDoc - Ramblings of an Emergency Physician in Texas - Latest articles - is the ultimate resource for GSM handset information. This feed contains the latest articles (news and reviews) in chronological order.
HackCollege - HackCollege is a student-powered lifehacking site. Work smarter, not harder.
Hacking NetFlix - Netflix News & Info. New Releases Every Monday.
Headlines RSS feed - Indie DB - Subscribe to the Indie DB headlines feed, and get the latest updates as they happen. : News - - Definitive Technology News and Reviews
HiLobrow - "Neither highbrows nor lowbrows nor midbrows, but elastic-brows." — George Orwell - Adrian Holovaty's blog.
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