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Impact of Social Sciences - Maximizing the impact of academic research
In Focus - In Focus, a News Photo Blog with Alan Taylor, from The Atlantic
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Inside BlackBerry - Inside BlackBerry - The Official BlackBerry Blog
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InterfaceLIFT: Newest Wallpaper - The premium source for desktop wallpaper.
Intermittent fasting for fat loss, muscle gain and health - Intermittent fasting for fat loss, muscle gain and health. Articles, research, diet advice, and free guides from IF-expert, Martin Berkhan.
IntoMobile - The latest in cell phones and mobile gadgets
io9 - io9 is entertainment, science, and futuristic culture for people who want to escape the everyday.
iPhone and iPad SDK Development Tutorials and Programming Tips - ManiacDev.Com
iPhone Atlas - daily direction.
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Jake And Amir Dot Com - jakeandamir
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