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Delicious/hoknetwork - bookmarks posted by hoknetwork
Delicious/tag/canada - recent bookmarks tagged canada
Delicious/tag/persian music - recent bookmarks tagged persian music
Demain la veille - Le blog de la veille - Aref JDEY
Democracy Now! - Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/7 through our website and podcasts.
Dentro do Armário - o diário de um gay não gay
Der offizielle Google Produkt-Blog - Neuigkeiten und Nützliches aus erster Hand vom deutschen Google-Team
Dev Shed - JavaScript Development Forum - Dev Shed Forums - Programming Help and Tutorials for all development technologies - RSS Feeds
Development Blog - The SuperTuxKart development blog
deviantART: ploop26's Sort:time&type=deviation - deviantART RSS for sort:time gallery:ploop26 sort:time&type=deviation - notice of new content available for download
DHC Podcast , Hosted By Episode - Just a selection of good deep & soulful house music, Podcast for the heads
Diary of a Part-time Monk - Just another site
Digital DJ Tips - Learn How To DJ With Digital DJ Gear
Digital Spy Forums - Top Up TV - For discussion of pay TV services from Top Up TV.
Digital Trends - Digital Trends is your home for technology news, CE product reviews, mobile app reviews and daily videos.
Digitalycia - Proyectos, negocios y empresas en el mundo digital, por Raúl Hernández González
diHITT - Notícias populares - O site para quem é viciado em notícia.
Diken - Yaramazlara biraz batar!
Dilbert - Three Weeks of Dilbert
Discovery News - History - News on history from Discovery.
Discovery News - Human Interest - News on human interests from Discovery.
Discovery News - Space - News on space from Discovery.


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