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Gezondheid en Welzijn - Kennis delen en innoveren
Gforum - Digital - Forum - Tudo Sobre Informática, Telemoveis, Fotografia, Video, Imagem e Muito Mais.
GigaOM - Trusted Insights and Conversations on the Next Wave of Technology
Glasgow's Whisky Festival - Saturday November 19th 2011 at The Arches in Glasgow. Running time is 1-5pm.
GO Comics comic fetcher - Fetch any comic from GO Comics site. Comic image is added straight to the RSS.
GO Comics comic fetcher - Fetch any comic from GO Comics site. Comic image is added straight to the RSS.
GoodTask App - Medium - To-do/ Task Manager based on iOS/Mac Reminders app - Medium
Goopilation - Toute l'actu Google en français : Gmail, AdSense, Blogger, Chrome, Docs, Picasa...
Gouldylox Reviews - Gouldylox Reviews is an award winning beauty blog that provides honest reviews about everything beauty and trend related.
Gouldylox Reviews - Gouldylox Reviews is an award winning beauty blog that provides honest reviews about everything beauty and trend related.
GPU Science - The true power of graphic cards - Logiciels - Les mises à jour des téléchargements
Green Building - Daily Commercial News - Reporting on the Canadian Construction Industry Since 1927
Green Building Elements - Green Building Elements is about the construction of green buildings, ideas & the design behind them
Groupon IT - Collegno - Groupon IT - Collegno
Groupon IT - Shopping - Groupon IT - Shopping
hackerspace - hackerspace
hacklaviva! - ~* DIY libre techz *~


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enter select the highlight entry from a menu


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d go to the item's list of similar stories
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m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

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= increase the font size
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? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts