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Techie Buzz - Know your technology head on
Techno Life @ tothepc - Technology, Software, Applications, Downloads, Tips, Blogging, Themes, Wordpress, Blogger, Tricks, Utlities, Freeware, News, Web 2.0, Tools, Services, Apple, Windows
TechZilo » Featured - Software and web tips
TED | Construction and Real Estate | UK:United Kingdom | EN - TED RSS daily subscription to Construction and Real Estate business sector for United Kingdom
Tekzilla (Large WMV) - Tekzilla feeds your tech hunger! Patrick Norton and Veronica Belmont bring you hands on reviews of the latest gear, tips and tricks that improve the tech you already own and conversations with the most informative experts around.
Telecom Tiger - A simple RSS document generated using XMLTextWriter Teknosohbet - Televizyon değil, Televidyon!
Tellabs Investor Teleconference Podcasts - Tellabs solutions enable service providers to deliver high-quality voice, video and data services over wireline and wireless networks around the world. Tellabs (NASDAQ: TLAB) is part of the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Ocean Tomo 300® Patent Index and the S&P 500.
Tellabs News Releases - Tellabs delivers technology that advances the mobile Internet. Tellabs experts design, develop, deploy and support our solutions for telecom service providers in more than 100 countries. - TK-IT News komplett - - TK-IT News komplett - Şüpheli bilgileri inceleyen doğrulama platformu
Thai Tech by - Tech news, reviews, tips and more from Thailand, Asia and around the world.
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب - A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
The Beer Fly - The Beer Fly - Drosophila Melanogaster is attracted to fermenting of fruit and grains. It is commonly found in breweries, wineries and pubs alike (The Waverley Encyclopedia, 1952). All in all, rather like me.
The Beer Nut - Why is that man photographing his pint?
The Billfold - Everything About Money You Were Too Polite To Ask
The Bitten Bullet - Every new beer is a risk. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - We tell the stories that matter. To help defend quality reporting and spark change, please support the Bureau
The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts - The CSPA provides a network of resources to arts organizations, which enables them to be ecologically and economically sustainable while maintaining artistic excellence. We support the infrastructure of this network by supplying artists with the information, education and intellectual community they need to make the best choices for their sustainability. We do this through three independent programs: The CSPA Online Resource Guide, annual CSPA convergence and the CSPA Institute's curriculum building. We extend these efforts with key partnerships: A producing partnership with Texas Performance Labs and a periodical partnership with Mammut Magazine. Under the umbrella of the CSPA, each program and partnership uses different tactics with their own mission to create a comprehensive and cooperative synthesis in artistic sustainability.
The Critical Path - Critical Path is a talk show contemplating the causality of success and failure in mobile computing. Using Apple as a lens to look at both telecom and traditional computing markets, we try to understand what it means to be great. Hosted by Horace Dediu & Moisés Chiullan.
The Danger Zone - 99.9% genuine graphics programming
The Dark Light - Join Mikhail Büer as he recounts his life story; a supernatural tale of blood, lust and love lost accompanied by a variety of gothic industiral, ebm and synth pop.


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