TWELVE MINUTES - An interactive thriller about a man trapped in a time loop.
Adlerweb - Nerd Inside - Das Infoportal für sichere Handynutzung - IT-News fuer Profis - Nachrichten nicht nur aus der Welt der Computer
metafakten - Kultur & Digitale Gesellschaft - wirres von ix.
The Digital Defenders Partnership - Digital Defenders Partnership supports human rights defenders, journalists and activists to improve their digital security and respond to digital attacks.
Access Now - Access Now defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world. By combining innovative policy, user engagement, and direct technical support, we fight for open and secure communications for all.
The Tutanota Blog - Privacy, release notes and other stuff
Tox Blog - News regarding the Tox Project ... im Mittelpunkt der Szene! - Alle deutschen Szene-Themen zu Bereichen wie Hacking, Cracking, Fraud, Warez, Webwarez, Webentwicklung, Programmierung, Hosting, Webhosting, Server, Domain, alles für den Webmaster - Technik einfach erklärt
What is Notepad++ on Notepad++ - Recent content in What is Notepad++ on Notepad++ - Brent Simmons's weblog.
Have I Been Pwned latest breaches - The latest publicly leaked data breaches to hit Have I Been Pwned