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The Baseball Codes - @BaseballCodes - A blog about Major League Baseball
Awful Announcing - All things sports media - Analysis of basketball through objective evidence
Popoholic - Entertainment News and Gossip
Egotastic – Sexy Celebrity Gossip and Entertainment News - Entertainment news for men featuring sexy celebrities, the latest gossip, and what's happening in film, television and the video game industry. - I'll Make You Famous...
Celeb Jihad - Explosive Celebrity Gossip From Islamic Extremists - A porn subreddit where the woman is either acting completely irratated, bored or is ignoring the actions of the man all together and acting as if he doesn't exist while he fucks her or masturbates on or near her. - An nsfw subreddit for behind-the-scenes material
Triumph - Insert a Tagline | The Official Website for Rik Emmett - The Official Website for Rik Emmett


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