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بالاترین - The best Persian links chosen by you
بالاترین - The best Persian links chosen by you - آخرین اخبار
The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans - Eating Right Because Our Jeans Are Too Tight - Because a fulfilling life doesn't have to be complicated.
Lifehacker Australia - tips and downloads to help you at work and play
Simply Stacie - Product and Book Reviews and Giveaways and More!
Writer Sites - A place where Deb Cushman organizes her favorite writer websites and blogs!
Fuck Yeah Toronto! - Because if you don't love Toronto, you probably have no soul.
The Craft of Writing Fiction - Character Development and the Power of Plot
Writer Beware Blogs! - Writer Beware, a publishing industry watchdog group sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America with additional support from the Mystery Writers of America, shines a bright light into the dark corners of the shadow-world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls. We also provide industry news, advice for writers, and a special focus on the weird and wacky things that happen at the fringes of the publishing world.
Thrifty Decor Chick - Sharing simple, inexpensive ways to decorate your home.
The More, The Messier - Kids! Vomit! Mice!
Sugar Pie Farmhouse - Warm Pie Happy Home
Stretching the One Income Dollar - Making less...go farther.
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books - Smart Bitches, Trashy Books:Romance Novel Reviews | Come for the Dominican Bitches, Stay for the Man Titty
Newlyweds - Exploring the joys of marriage


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