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일상의 변화 - 열심히~ 부지런히~
사진은 권력이다 - 사진은 권력이다.
유부생활_nina's song - ::초보주부생활::유부생활자 니나<니나스송>으로 검색을 하시면,바로 블로그로 슝슝!
고재열의 독설닷컴 - 시사IN 고재열 기자입니다. '적들도 클릭한다'고 알려진 이 블로그는 대한민국에서 가장 만만한 분 세 분, 'MB' 'SAMSUNG' "CHOSUNILBO' 를 까고 씹는 곳입니다. 제보는 gosisain@gmail.com으로 하시고, 소통은 제 트위터( 팔로잉해서 하시기 바랍니다.
Hugh McGuire - publishing, technology, media, philosophy, a bit of politics.
An Agony in Eight Fits - A miscellany on politics, books, history, the animal kingdom and myriad topics of personal interest
FSMdotCOM - iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad News and Tutorials
Productive Flourishing - The Art of Meaningful Action
CICLOPS - Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations - The source of Cassini high-resolution images of Saturn and its rings and moons
Codrops - useful drops of code
All About Symbian - News - News Headlines from All About Symbian
Ragin' Cajun - Just another weblog
TraderFeed - Exploiting the edge from historical market patterns
PUG Stock Market Analysis, LLC - Technical Chart Analysis and Commentary on the Stock Market
Daneric's Elliott Waves - Elliott Wave Theory, Technical Analysis, and Social Mood Commentary
[daily dose of imagery] - A daily photoblog by Sam Javanrouh.
CSS Analytics - using quantitative research to beat the market
5WAVES - market analysis and forecast using elliott wave - Everything related to Elliott Wave will be here: Analysis, Charts, News, Tutorials, etc.
Eishockey Info - Online Magazin für Eishockey Fans. Mit aktuellen Meldungen, Ergebnissen, Tabellen, Statistiken und vielen Fotos. Berichterstattung über aktuelle Events, DEL, NHL, internationale Ligen, ESBG-Ligen (Bundesliga, Oberliga), Landesverbände, Frauen und Nachwuchs.


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