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Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog - Written for do-it-yourself nonprofit marketers and one-person nonprofit communications departments.
Junk Charts - Recycling chartjunk as junk art
Joel on Software - Painless Software Management
IttyBiz - Marketing for Businesses Without Marketing Departments
Investment Banking News - Investment Banking News Headlines | - Banking & Financial Services: headlines from the week of June 14, 2010
(IN)SECURE Magazine Notifications RSS - Notifications of new (IN)SECURE Magazine issues. - Brent Simmons's weblog.
Health News - - Health News -
Google Analytics Blog - The latest news, tips and resources straight from the Google Analytics team.
Get Elastic Ecommerce Blog - #1 Subscribed Ecommerce Blog
Force Monkey - Don't underestimate the power of the Force. News - News and reports from
FDA MedWatch - FDA MedWatch Safety Alerts
EconoSpeak - Annals of the Economically Incorrect
E-Commerce Times - E-Commerce Times: the E-Business and Technology Super Site
Doc Searls Weblog - Same old blog, brand new place
Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog - The latest news and analysis on the next generation of the Web.
David Galbraith's Blog - Just another WordPress weblog
Daggle - Danny Sullivan's Personal Blog
Copyblogger - Copywriting and Content Marketing Strategies


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