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Leica News & Rumors - Leica news, before they happen
[daily dose of imagery] - A daily photoblog by Sam Javanrouh.
Touch Arcade - ... keeping in touch with the latest in iPhone gaming
iPhone Matters - Everything iPhone
iPhone Hacks - iPhone Hacks :: Your source for the latest iPhone Hacks JailBreak Unlocking News Applications Tips & Tricks Reviews Rumors Blog on the Apple iPhone
iPhone Developer News - iPhone Developer News feed provided by Apple, Inc.
iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Application List - Just another WordPress weblog
The Tao of Mac - Complete Wiki/Blog feed - Brent Simmons's linkblog.
prMac's aim is enhancing the visibility of press releases in the Mac world, offering Mac-centric news media distribution servic - prMac's aim is enhancing the visibility of press releases in the Mac world, offering Mac-centric news media distribution services as well as top-notch RSS feeds.
Monday Note - Media, Tech & Business Models
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MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors - the mac news you care about
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MacMegasite - Community-driven Macintosh news, tips, and rumors.
Macenstein - Mac news and rumors dug up on the web and sewn into and unholy monster
GartenBlog - "Where the work is play for mortal stakes."
David Alison's Blog - I blog because everyone is entitled to my opinion
Daring Fireball - Mac and web curmudgeonry/nerdery. By John Gruber.
AppleInsider - AppleInsider has been the leading source of insider news and rumors on Apple Computer since 1997.
Apple Gazette - Apple Gazette - An Apple Blog
9 to 5 Mac - Apple Intelligence - 9 to 5 Mac's Mission is to exchange information about Apple products and services
The Truth About Cars - The Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.
Jalopnik - Jalopnik loves cars. Secret cars, concept cars, flying cars, vintage cars, tricked-out cars, red cars, black cars, blonde cars -- sometimes, cars just because of the curve of a hood.


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