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The Airing of Grievances - I got a lotta problems with you people!
Penelope Trunk's Brazen Careerist - Advice at the intersection of work and life
blog maverick - the mark cuban weblog
AMERICAblog News - A straight-shooting look at US Politics, with a focus on the Obama administration, the religious right, and civil rights, from DC-based political strategist and writer John Aravosis.
zen habits - breathe.
The Simple Dollar - Simple, applicable personal finance advice for the modern world
Over the Monster - An unofficial Boston Red Sox blog
Real Hartford - a city cannot be reduced to a slogan
Greater Hartford Real Estate Blog - News and views about real estate in Greater Hartford
Serious Eats - All of Serious Eats in one feed
Not Eating Out in New York - Consuming Les$, Eating More
Grub Street New York - Grub Street is a blog about the New York City restaurant scene from New York magazine with coverage of the restaurant scene, openings and closings, NYC food reviews, and food news.
Eater National - The National Restaurant, Bar, and Nightlife Blog
Dr. Housing Bubble Blog - How I Learned to Love Southern California and Forget the Housing Bubble
101 Cookbooks - When you own over 100 cookbooks, it is time to stop buying, and start cooking. This site chronicles a cookbook collection, one recipe at a time.
USB Powered Gadgets and more.. - USB effects your everyday life. It really does. We'll show you how.
Productivity Portfolio - Offers short articles and online tutorials to Windows users on how to better use personal technology. Site includes information on email, PDAs, cell phones, browsers, software and more.
Stepcase Lifehack - Daily digest and pointer on productivity, getting things done and lifehacks
WWdN: In Exile - Wil Wheaton says, "Don't be a dick!"
Wondermark - An Illustrated Jocularity.


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