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Tekzilla (Large WMV) - Tekzilla feeds your tech hunger! Patrick Norton and Veronica Belmont bring you hands on reviews of the latest gear, tips and tricks that improve the tech you already own and conversations with the most informative experts around.
Nieman Journalism Lab - Just another WordPress weblog
Scientific American - Mind & Brain - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Biology - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Technology - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Space - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Health - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
MobileCrunch - All About Mobile 2.0 News Feed - Computer hardware, games and technology reviews and news
Humus - Humus
Open Source - Shared software, shared processes
BBC News | Science & Environment | World Edition - Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition - Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
NVDA - News and Analysis from Seeking Alpha - 'NVDA' Tag RSS Syndication from
OnStartups - RSS feed for OnStartups
Yahoo! Finance: JNJ News - Latest Financial News for JOHNSON AND JOHNS DC
CNET - Tech news and business reports by CNET News. Focused oninformation technology, core topics include computers, hardware, software,networking, and Internet media.
Archaeology Magazine - Daily archaeological news, plus abstracts and full-length articles from the current issue and back issues with exclusive online articles, interactive excavations, links, and more
Yahoo! Finance: AAPL News - Latest Financial News for Apple Inc.
Browser Development - Browser Development - DefenceTalk Defense News and Information RSS Feed


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