This is serious monkey business. - I'm selling you on primates, you're buying it, and it's a seller's market.
This Anthro Life - This Anthro Life is a conversational and interview podcast exploring humanity's creative potential through culture, design and technology. Join anthropologist Adam Gamwell and friends as they venture into the countless possibilities encountered in everyday global life, from the designed world, future hopes, and myths of how things came to be. From Missing Link Studios in Boston, MA. Support this podcast:
the next wave - Andrew Curry's blog on futures, trends, emerging issues and scenarios
The Wenner-Gren Blog - A Blog from The Wenner-Gren Foundation
The Tangled Woof of Fact - Scriblings about anthropology, evolution, biology, psychology, culture, humans, stories - by Matthew Gwynfryn Thomas
The Rockstar Anthropologist - Where Anthropology Comes to Chat...
The Narcissistic (American) Anthropologist - Someone has to notice
The Naked Anthropologist - Dr Laura Agustín on Migration, Sex Work, Trafficking and the Rescue Industry
The Monkey Stalker - Blog Entries - Blog Entries
The Long Now Blog - The Official Weblog of The Long Now Foundation and Friends
The Geek Anthropologist - An anthropological approach to all things geek
The Cultural Niche - On the intersection between evolution, cognition, and culture.
the anthropo.scene - making up the 'world' with what we have on hand
The Advanced Apes - Timeline of Human Evolution
Teaching Anthropology - A discussion forum run by a seasoned Community College Instructor for those who want to share the pluses, minuses, rants, and fist bumps that come from teaching Anthropology at the undergraduate level. Gather up your pigs, yams, and banana leaf bundles and join the fun.
Symbiology - interactions between unlike organisms
Stimmen aus China - Ein Blog des Lehrstuhls Ethnologie der Globalisierung, Universität Köln und der Stiftung Asienhaus
Society for Linguistic Anthropology - Official Homepage of the SLA