| Digital_foundry - Bad puns and video games since 1999. | Podcasts - Bad puns and video games since 1999.
PoolChia - Where we pool Chia
Intel Analytics Software - Medium - Better Insights Faster: Big Data Driving AI - Medium
少数派 - 少数派致力于更好地运用数字产品或科学方法,帮助用户提升工作效率和生活品质
小众软件 - 分享免费、小巧、实用、有趣、绿色的软件
奇客Solidot–传递最新科技情报 - 奇客的资讯,重要的东西。
io9 - All the top news about comics, Sci-Fi, and fantasy.
Chips and Cheese - More tech, less crap
Chia Network - A better blockchain and smart transaction platform which is more decentralized, more efficient, and more secure.
Stories by Chia Network on Medium - Stories by Chia Network on Medium
Podcast – SemiWiki - All Things Semiconductor!
SemiWiki - All Things Semiconductor!
ServeTheHome - Server and Workstation Reviews - @m0radin
Atmotube Blog - air quality, air pollution and protection - How to protect yourself from air pollution
Vigicrues : Tronçon(s) de cours d'eau en vigilance crues - MTE/DGPR/SRNH/SCHAPI-SPC : RSS personnalisé de vigilance crues v1.7.0b1
A Clockwork Berry - Hacking fruit and much more
Embark Studios - Medium - Embark Studios is a Stockholm-based games studio, on a mission to blur the line between playing and making. - Medium
Lex Fridman Podcast - Conversations about AI, science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Formerly called the Artificial Intelligence (AI) podcast. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. - Wir thematisieren die wichtigen Fragestellungen rund um Internet, Gesellschaft und Politik und zeigen Wege auf, wie man sich auch selbst mit Hilfe des Netzes für digitale Freiheiten und Offenheit engagieren kann. Mit beschreiben wir, wie die Politik das Internet durch Regulierung verändert und wie das Netz Politik, Öffentlichkeiten und alles andere verändert.
der Freitag - Die Wochenzeitung
PI-NEWS - Politically Incorrect