قناة العالم الأخبارية - Alalam News Network
کیبرد آزاد - در دفاع از آزادی بیان و کیبرد
هكذا أنا - اعرف اننى مختلفة عن كل من عرفتهم ..احيانا غبية .. احيانا مبدعة .احيانا اجدنى مثلهم..فاقاوم معلنة بصرخة مسرحية اننى لست مثلهم..خكذا ببساطة اكون انا
پروفايل برنامه ريزي و كنترل پروژه نادر خرمي راد - پروفايل برنامه ريزي و كنترل پروژه نادر خرمي راد
پژوهشی در ادیان الهی و قرآن - بررسی ادیان الهی در قرآن
UARRR - I really am just a madman in a box.
Ubergizmo - Ubergizmo is a top consumer electronics news and reviews site.
Ubuntu - Google News - Google News
Ubuntu Geek - Tips,Howtos,Tutorials and Articles about Ubuntu Linux (Dapper - Edgy - Feisty - Gutsy)
Ubuntu Sharing - Ubuntu Tips | Ubuntu Howtos | Ubuntu Tutorials
Ubuntu Vibes | Daily Ubuntu Linux Updates - Ubuntu Vibes is a blog that brings latest news, tips and tricks about Linux,Ubuntu & Open Source Softwares.It is one stop for users looking for help in installing and customizing Ubuntu & other distros.The blog covers all desktop,netbook & server editions and different desktop environments like GNOME & KDE.
Ubuntu-BR-SC - Blog do time catarinense do Ubuntu. Dicas, reviews, notícias e tutoriais relacionados a Ubuntu, Android, Linux e ao mundo opensource em geral.
UbuntuHandbook - News, Tutorials, Howtos for Ubuntu Linux
UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - Comments And Analysis Concerning Coverage Of UFO Activity By The Media & Reports Of UFO's By Citizens
UK Visual Anthropology - Audio-Visual Interventions@The University of Kent
UKAuthority.com - The leading independent publisher of public sector technology news. - The news and information service for local e-government.
Ukraine - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - RFE/RL's latest news, features, commentary, and multimedia content on Ukraine