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VoIP Watch - All about Voice Over IP, Internet Based Communications and Video.
VoIP Watch - All about Voice Over IP, Internet Based Communications and Video. Recent Articles - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists
VR-Zone News - Tech News from Vr-Zone
Vridar - Musings on biblical studies, politics, religion, ethics, human nature, tidbits from science - Всички оферти за колективно пазаруване на едно място. - Всички оферти за колективно пазаруване на едно място
Vulcan Post - Your Lifestyle Technology News Portal
Vulture - New York Magazine's arts and entertainment blog, including witty analysis of movies, TV, music, books, theater, and art, plus original video and sneak previews of upcoming releases.
W partnerstwie siła - Subregion Centralny Województwa Śląskiego - TVP3 Katowice - Telewizja Polska.. - RSS Feed for W partnerstwie siła - Subregion Centralny Województwa Śląskiego - TVP3 Katowice - Telewizja Polska.. (Generated by Feedity)
W Vancouver 50% ludzi podróżuje pieszo, rowerem lub transportem publicznym. - Jedno z nielicznych metropolii w Kanadzie i USA gdzie odmówiono autostrady w centrum, a transport publiczny jest mocno wspierany przez kolejne władze.
Waggish - David Auerbach on literature, philosophy, film, etc.
Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me! - Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!
Walk Like a Sabermetrician - Occasional commentary on baseball and sabermetrics
Walking Off the Big Apple - a strolling guide to New York City by Teri Tynes
Walking Randomly - Because it's more fun than getting there in a straight line.
Wandering Coyote - Tattoed, Pierced, and Potty-mouthed.
Wandering Gaia - Dispatches from the frontline of climate change


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