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All Things Distributed - Werner Vogels' weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems.
Amazon Web Services Blog - Amazon Web Services, Products, Tools, and Developer Information...
Pocketables - Plugged into the portable circuit
Technology Review RSS Feeds - Technology Review exists to promote the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact.
Tekzilla (Large WMV) - Tekzilla feeds your tech hunger! Patrick Norton and Veronica Belmont bring you hands on reviews of the latest gear, tips and tricks that improve the tech you already own and conversations with the most informative experts around.
Nieman Journalism Lab - Just another WordPress weblog
Scientific American - Mind & Brain - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Biology - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Technology - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Space - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scientific American - Health - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
MobileCrunch - All About Mobile 2.0 News Feed - Computer hardware, games and technology reviews and news


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