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The Unconventional Gardener - I grow edible planty stuff
Dr. K's Blog - An anthropological eye on popular culture.
Discard Studies - Social studies of waste, pollution & externalities
Digital Ethnography » Page not found - @ Kansas State University
Digital Ethnography - @ Kansas State University
Comments on: - OPENING THE PAST, INSPIRING THE FUTURE - Physical Anthropology, Human Genetics, Archaeology, History, etc.
Darwinian Demon - How one species is transforming the biosphere
Cyber Anthropology - Study of online culture and culture online.
culturnicity - An Urban Anthropology Research Lab
Cultures News -- ScienceDaily - Cultures of the World. News and findings about early human cultures. Learn about trading, colonization, early language development and the showoff hypothesis.
CultureBy – Grant McCracken - new ways to make culture and discover value
Culture and Capitalism - A Sussex University Anthropology blog
Wiley: Cultural Anthropology: Table of Contents - Table of Contents for Cultural Anthropology. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues. - Ethnographic Field Notes Operating as a Blog - Human behavior, evolutionary medicine... and ladybusiness.
Natalie Hanson - anthropologist and ux professional
C L O S E R - An anthropology of Muslims in Europe - A modest attempt by Martijn


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