C L O S E R - An anthropology of Muslims in Europe - A modest attempt by Martijn
BRAINFACTOR - TESTATA REGISTRATA AL TRIBUNALE DI MILANO N. 538 DEL 18/9/2008 | ISSN 2035-7109 | Direttore Responsabile: Marco Mozzoni
Bones, Stones, and Books - Archaeology -- Bioarchaeology -- School -- The good, bad, and the ugly about life in the trenches and life as a student
Bones Don't Lie - Current News in Mortuary Archaeology and Bioarchaeology
BOAS Network - A space for anthropologists to share their work. A place for everyone to be enriched by it.
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Beauty in the Bones - A curiosity for all things bony
http://www.blogger.com/feeds/7944513869285043690/posts/default - Exploring the astronomical knowledge and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Official blog of the Australian Society for Indigenous Astronomy.
antropologi.info - anthropology in the news blog - anthropology in the news blog
anthropologyworks.com - APW Professional Health Tips
Anthropology News - The award-winning member magazine by the American Anthropological Association
Anthropology News -- ScienceDaily - Anthropology News. Read about early human culture, civilizations and latest discoveries at ancient sites in our anthropology news.
Anthropology & Publicity - Seminar Anthropology & Publicity Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 5 November 2010
"anthropology" - Google News - Google News
Anthropologist Community - Anthropologist Community - LiveJournal.com
http://www.blogger.com/feeds/5813702045456690661/posts/default - A Collaborative Online Project